Monday, 9/24/18
7:54AM - Today is already starting out horribly. I know Cherry will be moody all day today now. Why can't we have one good day? That's all I want. She's in the shower right now and I'm exhausted. I wish there was something that I could do to help but it's hard to do that when I'm all the way across the country. It's unfair.
8:12AM - Pyrrha just messaged me with a video? I don't know if I even want to open it. She's basically disappeared from everyones' lives.
9:38AM - I'm so exhausted at this point. I just want to nap but I'm afraid to say anything. I think I'm so tired because of the breakdown I had earlier. I was just so scared I wouldn't hear from Cherry ever again.
9:53AM - Oh, she just called me. Now I have to stay awake. Ugh.
1:46PM - I've managed to stay awake all day! Today hasn't been as bad as I initially thought it would be. I'm just a little worn down and my back hurts. Otherwise I've been playing more Splatoon! It feels so good to get back into the habit of playing after taking a break for a month or so. I love this game so fucking much.
7:39PM - I've asked Cherry multiple times to play Salmon Run with me and she's given me ambiguous answers every single time. I just hope it actually happens, y'know?

Tuesday, 9/25/18
11:41AM - I haven't felt this terrible waking up in a very long time. I keep getting a bad night's sleep and my whole body hurts. My head, my eyes, back, neck, other various muscles. It feels like I am falling apart. Cherry was supposed to be awake at the half hour which is why I woke myself up, but she isn't awake and I really want to go back to bed.